B4.5 UK Policies and Controls


All the rivers in the world only contain, at any one time, enough water to supply man’s needs for about 10 days.


B4.5.1 UK Water Strategy

The Government launched its water strategy for England, “Future Water” on 7 February 2008, which sets out a framework for water management in England. The strategy includes:

  • Sustainable delivery of secure water supplies.
  • An improved and protected water environment.
  • Fair, affordable and cost-reflective water charges.
  • Reduced water sector greenhouse gas emissions.
  • More sustainable and effective management of surface water.


Part of the strategy will be implemented through Amendments to the Building Regulations and the Code for Sustainable Homes, which will include a minimum standard of efficiency for new homes.

DEFRA (Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) state that regulations covering the maximum water use of fittings like toilets and washing machines will be reviewed.

The Government Water Technology List (WTL) encourages a more sustainable use of water, as products on the list must meet predefined water saving criteria. Businesses investing on WTL listed technologies can benefit from accelerated tax relief by claiming the Enhanced Capital Allowance on their capital investment.

